Gephyrophillia #202

Originally Posted on 05/07/2009 by Jeff Harris

This is not an update. Alright, it is. First thing's first.

There is no more "Not An Update" pages. There's also no more BXT: Absolution Station. Why? Because The X Bridge will be one complete site with four equal parts. Gephyrophillia, the former editorial page of BXT, has replaced NAU. Why? Because I like the name. Plus, as you've also noticed, there's new numbering for the column as of right now. This is Gephyrophillia #202.

And no, the number didn't just come out of mid-air. When I relaunched the site after an unexpected hiatus back in 2002, I began these numbered updates. I wrote 14 Page Ones, 172 Watch This Spaces, four Gephyrophillias, and 11 Not an Updates. That's 201 articles. I'm combining the history and legacy of it all in one succinct section. This is Gephyrophillia, and it will stay that way until the day The X Bridge shuts down forever, and that won't be for a long, long time, Lord willing.

But the truth is from now until July, The X Bridge is undergoing a metamorphosis and what you see ISN'T the final form. If you want to imagine what's up, the site is in a chrysilis form, transforming, rebuilding, and becoming something cooler than its primordial state. That sounds about right. So, while I'm rebuilding the site (all the older articles are on a reconstructional hiatus for another week or three), I'll continue to update. The first real update begins next week, but the next Geph is a day or two away (weather permitting).

Jeff Harris,
Webmaster, The X Bridge.


Gephyrophillia Archives
From Page One to the current Geph article. The voice of The X Bridge for many years. Still crossing bridges. More »


Imagination Archives
Nothing can compare with this in its purest form. At least, that's what the lyric said. The creative side of The X Bridge in archival form. More »


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Opinions from the mind of Jeff Harris. More »


Toonami Archives
The Legacy Project's complete list of Toonami-based articles from The X Bridge (and a few not found elsewhere). More »


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