How the K-Beast Stole Toonami | A Tongue-in-Cheek Poem by Jeff Harris, March 3, 2003
In honor of the removal of Jamie Kellner from his position of power at Turner Broadcasting, I thought I'd publish this poem in the tradition of Dr. Seuss' immortal classic (which he pilfered to air on his network first last year) How the Grinch Stole Christmas. This poem, which was written back in '01 but never published, is written with humble apologies and respect to the estate of Dr. Seuss, who created The Grinch, a character much NICER than the beast portrayed here. Enjoy.

Every Fan
From the States and UK
Liked Toonami a lot...

But the K-Beast,
Who lived right in Dubba-Dubbaville,
Did NOT!

The K-Beast hated Toonami ever since the first season!
Now, please don't ask why. No one quite knows the reason.
It could be because the formula was so tight.
It could be, perhaps, he couldn't duplicate it just right.
But I think that the most likely reason of all
May have been that his brain was six sizes too small.

Whatever the reason,
He hated the block,
He stood there in DubbaDubbaville, watching the clock,
Staring down from the watertower with a sour, Beasty sneer
Remembering the trio that once lived here.
How he ruined THEIR lives, and the lives of those rats
Those freaks, worms, slayers, rovers, and brats.

"Little do they know!" he snarled with a grin.
"It's almost time for my plan to begin!"
Then he growled, with his beast nostrils flaring,
"I MUST find a way to stop the fans from preparing!"
Because he knew...

...All the Toonami fans, from the bay to the shore
Would rush to their tv sets, set around four!
And then! Oh, the noise! Oh, the noise! Noise! Noise!
That's one thing he hated! The NOISE! NOISE! NOISE!

Then the fans, young and old, would sit down at watch.
And they'd watch! And they'd watch!
They would start on pretty soldiers, and that Dragon Ball Z
Which was something the K-Beast couldn't stand to see!

There'd be something he liked least of all!
The endless Toonami heroes, both tall and small,
Gundams and megadeuses, warriors, ships, and a living doll.
They've all gathered together, by TOM, who led them all!

They'd fight! And they'd fight!
! And the more the K-Beast thought of the familiar ring
The more the K-Beast thought, "I must stop this whole thing!
"Why for over four years I've put up with it now!
I MUST stop Toonami from coming!
...But HOW?"

Then he got an idea!
An awful idea!

"I know just what to do!" The K-Beast laughed in his lair.
"I won't even take the block off of the air.
I'll jam it in their throats until it make them sick!
Man, this is actually such a devious trick!"

"All I need to do is breach the company."
The K-Beast looked around.
Bootlicking was an option, and yet, couldn't be found.
But he knew some someone, high up
Who began to complain,
"K-Beast," the friend said, "I need your brain!"
He called his boy Pitt, now he was all a-glow
The K-Beast is now the president, boss, CEO!

With a coup and attacks,
All those in power were now on their backs.
On a wing and a prayer
He knew he was there.

Then the K-Beast arrived. "Alright
Who's in charge of this place?"
He asked
Before turning Turnerville to waste.

The buildings were dark. Silence filled the air.
Those behind Toonami was preparing with great care
In the streets of Turnerville, they weren't aware.
"This is stop number one," The K-Beast hissed
And he began his ungodly rule with an iron fist.

The K-Beast left behind a slippery trail.
And everything he touched turned into hell.
He got stuck only once, for a moment or two.
With this warrior package, he didn't know what to do.
After calling VinMac, who's gridiron ratings were low,
"This old package," Beast grinned, "is the first thing to go!"

Then, with a smile most unpleasant, in the office he plundered
Before touching his goal, he suddenly wondered!
"Hey," the K-Beast thought, "I control the news!
Wow, this all this power, I have to abuse!"
And he mangled it all, turned it to a mess,
And called up an anchor, who was very undressed!

This anchor, who's experiences were totally new!
She was an actress, on some show called Blue!
He made himself known to all that were there.
People didn't like his choices, but he didn't care!

Then he saw the checkerboard fence.
"And NOW!" grinned the K-Beast, "My master plan will commence!"

And the K-Beast grabbed the mike, and he started to shout
What his master plan was all about.
He showcased his plans for the popular block,
To saturate it for another two hours on the clock.

His favorite yellow pet that everyone hated
Became the marquee attraction, but then, yeah, he waited
For the moment to steal the name and more shows, the old liar.
To make his older block look much higher.

His plans was detailed, and most were upset
Because those behind Toonami didn't speak up yet.
They stared at the K-Beast and said, "K-Beast, why,
"Why are you taking our block? WHY?"

But, you know, that K-Beast was so smart and so slick
He thought up a lie, and he thought it up quick!
"Why, my brave little friends," the K-Beast lied,
"I want the block to be recognized from side to side.
"So I'm helping you out at my place," he whispered in their ear.
"I'll build it up there. Then you work on it here."

His fib didn't fool the crew. Then he patted each head
And then the K-Beast proceeded ahead
And when they went back to create,
But as far as the K-Beast knew, they were too late!

It was almost four o'clock in the east.
It came without warning
Those Toonami fans will realize
That after this morning,
The soldiers! The warriors! The robots! The fight!
No one's prepared for what I've done this night!

Three thousand feet up! Right in his tower,
He smiled, grinned, reveling in his power!
"Screw the fans!" he was beastishly humming.
"Wait until they see that their Toonami isn't coming!
"They're just tuning! I know just what they'll do!
"Their mouths will hang open a minute or two
"Then, all the fans down down there will all cry BOO-HOO!"

"That's a noise," grinned the K-Beast,
"That I simply must hear!"
So he paused. And the K-Beast put a hand to his ear.
And he did hear a sound rising through his window.
It started in low. Then it started to grow...

But the sound wasn't sad!
Why, this sound sounded angry!
It couldn't be so!
But it WAS angry! VERY!

He stared down at Turnerville!
The K-Beast popped his eyes!
Then he shook!
What he saw was a shocking surprise!

All the Toonami fans, both the great and small,
Were united, together, one and all!
Though he had stopped Toonami from coming!
He wasn't prepared for this solution.
The people, united, had formed a revolution!

And the K-Beast, with his head hanging low,
Stood puzzling and puzzling: "How could it be so?
I killed the block's presence, made it watered down!
I made my product better, and made all those fans frown!"
And he puzzled three hours, `till his puzzler was sore.
Then the K-Beast thought of something he hadn't before!
"Maybe Toonami," he thought, "is more than a brand.
"Maybe my bosses had all they could stand!"

And what happened then...? Turnerville they say
That the K-Beast got scared
And tried to run away!
And the minute he realized what he done wasn't right,
It was already too late, the fans came for a fight
The revolution came a-running, not to say the least!
And the people know then...

...ONLY THEN...!
The end was here for the K-Beast!