Thoughtnami Classics | Drop G4, Cable Operators

Originally Posted 10/21/05 by Jeff Harris

To every cable and satelite operator in the United States with the exception of Comcast who owns G4:

Hello. My name is, well, not important for the duration of this article. The reason why I'm writing this is because the cable industry has been duped and scammed. The network you originally signed to air on your cable lineups many years ago is no longer on the air. Neither TechTV, a technology-driven network with people who were experienced with the world of computers, technology, and all things tech-oriented, nor G4, a lesser-known but popular outlet that celebrated the gamer lifestyle, are on the air. After the supposed merger that developed after Comcast's G4 Media purchased TechTV for its extensive cable and satelite slots systemwide as well as for TechTV's popular X-Play series, something emerged, but not what was promised.

Instead of a technology/video game/geek culture-themed network, the industry got something different. Even the video game network rebranding of G4 isn't permanent. Now, the network currently known as G4 is changing into a network akin to SpikeTV, OLN, and MEN-TV. Another male-oriented network for immature men. The tech part of the network is all but gone from the network, largely limited to Call For Help in the morning, Brainiac, and a few segments on Attack of the Show. Now, it seems that the video-game aspect of the self-proclaimed Video Game Television is being pushed aside in favor of recent acquisitions like Formula D, Street Fury, Fastlane, and The Man Show.

In short, cable and satelite operators, G4, the network you spent millions of dollars to place on your lineup (whether you got it when it was called TechTV or before the merger), no longer exists. Instead of being an information outlet, it's becoming another testosterone-driven bacchinal. The nerds and geeks are being pushed aside for horny jocks. You've been duped by G4 Media and Comcast into thinking you're getting one kind of network when instead, you're getting another you didn't want.

So, as a favor to yourself as well as your subscribers, please drop G4 from your lineups. A number of cable operators are doing so at this time, so, please, do likewise. There are many other networks that are in the works that would serve the current and former audience of G4, so G4's deletion from your lineups won't be missed.

Drop G4. Now.


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