Gephyrophillia | Watch This Space #2
Originally Posted on 07/27/2002 by Jeff Harris
So, another fortnight has come and gone in the world, and there has been much changes. Sure, the site's still in a state of perpetual shutdown until mid-August, and there are corporate shakeups to be discussed. The
pit keeper, the bringer of the K-Beast, has left his post at Quantum's overbloated modern incarnation because he felt that he was being blamed unfairly about the problems that plagued the media goliath. Well, he was being blamed for the poor performance because it WAS his fault. Mismanagement and putting blind trust in egotistical friends would do that to you. So, he left.
One down, one to go. Guess what, K? Without the pit keeper behind you and the return of the T-W regime, you've got a problem.
On a much optimistic note, looks like chaos is finally coming to Toonami. No, not more hamsters (they've hit rerun mode to annoy you even more). The battle is over for Zoids, so Toonami's bringing the original animated vision of Zoids to the block at the 4:30 PM EST/PST slot. Zoids: Chaotic Century makes its Toonami debut this Monday and isn't like the previous competition-oriented series. Chaotic Century's bringing you a more fantasy-oriented storyline about two kids, Ban and Feene, caught in a middle of a war on a planet colony called Zi. Kids and robots are always a good combination. Don't worry. If you miss the competitions of Zoids: New Century/0 (that's the version we're more accustomed to seeing), don't worry. Another competition-oriented series hits the block in August. A little show called G Gundam. I think you're familiar with the franchise.
There's one site that has been providing the good for over two years, and that's Toonami Digital Arsenal. During my absence, I forgot to tell Tyler L. and Zogg happy anniversary of the union of two great sites, Toonami Miscellanious and Toonami Basement. You two do a heck of an excellent job providing the latest and greatest promos from the good folks at Toonami to the fans out there. Don't worry, the tape's coming in a few weeks.
Back to work. Maybe I'll chat with you guys in another fortnight. Or maybe I'll just see you around updating everything.
Until we are one,
Jeff Harris
CNX Creator/Webmaster
July 27, 2002
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