Gephyrophillia | Watch This Space #48

Originally Posted on 03/15-16/2003 by Jeff Harris

Tomorrow's a big day for Toonami, but in the online world, the NeXt Chapter begins tonight.

I'm not making a large update, but it's just too good to ignore. A couple of friends of mine, Vincent Benenati and Code Matrix bka Discloner on the Toonami boards (with a little assist from CookieS and myself), have launched perhaps the next evolution of Toonami sites with a potential to grow, a new site that has the attitude of the Inner Circle, the rebelious spirit of Animation Insider, and the youthful energy of the man behind a little-known, but very popular website, The Absolution II. With fanart, news, information, and reverence in this thing we call Toonami, let me introduce you, the Toonami faithful to the newest Toonami site on the planet:

Toonami: Absolution NeXt

Absolution NeXt is the first major site to be added to the Animation Insider family and officially launches today, March 16, 2003. You may notice that around the site, you'll see the site called by its inevitable initials ANX and you may ask, "Um, what's the deal with the ANX? Are you trying to be CNX?"

ANX and CNX are connected by the letter X. We're just two shades of the same vision, providing the world with the latest and greatest news and info from the world of Toonami. I'm also a contributor to the site, though admittedly, my contributions will be minimal at best (I wrote out some of the show descriptions and Toonami element bios, and afterall, this is Discloner and Vince's big show, and I already have a site of my own). Plus, ANX makes up the final link in this thing we call the TICA, soldiers of the Revolution, and today, two of the soldiers reintroduce themselves. Welcome to the internet ANX! Viva la revolucion!

Tonight's Absolution NeXt big party. Tomorrow, Toonami celebrates its birthday, and I'll have a little fun here!

The NeXt Chapter has begun!

Until we are one, later.
Jeff Harris
CNX Creator/Webmaster
March 15/16, 2003


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