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TICA: The Toonami Inner Circle Alliance
(C) and TM 1998 - 2008 Toonami Inner Circle Alliance.

and all related elements (C), (R), and TM 1997 - 2008 Cartoon Network, a unit of Turner Broadcasting Systems, Inc, a TimeWarner company.
This site is unofficial and not affiliated with Cartoon Network, Turner, and TimeWarner.

All other characters, series, and elements (C) and TM their established companies.

The X Bridge (C) and TM 1998 - 2008 Jeff Harris DBA Nami49 Productions.

Toonami 1997: Worst Moment (Show):
Meet The Berbils
You know, it's not that I have anything against small bearlike creatures living in forests (hell, The Adventures of the Gummi Bears is one of my all-time favorite Disney shows, right behind Gargoyles and just ahead of The Wuzzles, Raw Toonage, and Darkwing Duck), but considering the fact that the Ewoks sucked the cool of the final chapter of the Star Wars saga, why in the blue blazes would they put similar bearlike creatures on Thundercats in the form of the Berbils?

The Berbils are what you'd have if you put biomechanical parts on Ewoks. They were industrious little creatures, even helping Panthro build the ThunderCats Lair among others projects. But in the end, the Berbils are nothing more than cannon fodder. Annoying little cannon fodder with their droning, mechanical monotoned voices. Not exactly a proud legacy to leave behind, and thankfully, they're largely forgotten by fans of the show.