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The Toonami Inner Circle Alliance
(C) and TM 1998 - 2006 Toonami Inner Circle Alliance.

and all related elements (C), (R), and TM 1997 - 2006 Cartoon Network, a unit of Turner Broadcasting Systems, Inc, a TimeWarner company.
This site is unofficial and not affiliated with Cartoon Network, Turner, and TimeWarner.

All other characters, series, and elements (C) and TM their established companies.

The X Bridge (C) and TM 1998 - 2006 Jeff Harris DBA Nami49 Productions.

Holy Crap Moment
Operation: Batman Beyond

The last episode of the "Cadmus" season of Justice League Unlimited was a return to the world of Batman Beyond. Instead of directly talking about the JLU in the future, the episode focused on a revelation made by Terry McGuiness. The man that has grown to become the Batman learned that he was, in fact, the biological son/clone of Bruce Wayne, the modern gerneation's Batman.

Terry learned about this revelation after learning that he was an exact genetic donor match for Bruce Wayne. The truth was confirmed after talking to the only person who knew about the project, Amanda Waller. The former head of Cadmus continued her duties, but also became an advisor to the Justice League. After witnessing what this mortal amongst gods could do, she realized that the next generation needed a Batman. Waller initiated a plan at Cadmus she called Batman Beyond (wonder if that project was called Batman of the Future for the international audiences) which ensured that Batman's genetic code will live on in the next generation. She found the perfect couple who shared similar genetics to Bruce Wayne's parents but never told them. By inserting the code into the paternal candidate, they became parents to a young boy who looked nothing like them (Mr. and Mrs. McGuinness had brown and red hair, respectedly, and both of their sons had straight black hair [perhaps their sons' appearances were a factor that led to their divorce]). Waller initiated a plan to emulate the events that led Bruce Wayne to become the Dark Knight. After attending a movie based on The Gray Ghost, the McGuinnesses were about to be ambushed by a masked being known as the Phantasm. When she was about to do her mission, the Phantasm hesitated, perhaps realizing that, unlike herself and Bruce (you know, for somebody to know everything about Bruce Wayne, perhaps Waller should have looked into the people he dated), young Terry's parents didn't need to die this way. So, the Phantasm didn't accomplish her mission. Of course, years later, fate intervined, and Terry did eventually become the Batman and the rest is history.

When the world saw this, two words came to mind: Holy crap.